
who is prime minister in a caretaker capacity after last month's inconclusive election.

Monti says Italy has scope to cut government debt owed to companies

ROME (Reuters) - Italy is close to finding a way to pay off huge public sector debts owed to private companies without pushing up the public debt, outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti said on Monday.

Italy's public administration, struggling to curb costs to try to balance the budget, is notoriously slow in settling its bills to private companies that provide it with goods and services and has accumulated a debt of more than 80 billion euros.

The government has been pressing the European Commission to grant it leeway to allow it to start settling these arrears without contributing to public debt calculations and important progress has now been made, the prime minister said.

"We will work with the Commission to identify technical solutions to begin to settle the payments as soon as possible," said Monti, who is prime minister in a caretaker capacity after last month's inconclusive election.

On Wednesday President Giorgio Napolitano will begin consultations with parties to try to see if there is any chance of establishing a government, but this could take weeks or even months.

Italy's public debt amounts to more than 2 trillion euros and, at 127 percent of output, is the second highest in the euro zone after Greece's.

(Reporting by Gavin Jones; Editing by Susan Fenton)

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Mayne said a shipment of electrical components arrived at the company's Brampton

Chrysler recalls Dodge Challengers for fire risk

DETROIT (AP) -- Chrysler is telling owners of about 2,500 Dodge Challenger muscle cars with V-6 engines not to drive them because a short in a wiring circuit can set them on fire.

Owners also are being told not to park the cars in a garage or near a structure until the problem can be fixed.

The cars are from the 2013 model year and have V-6 engines. They were made during the eight weeks that ended Jan. 24.

Chrysler wouldn't identify exactly where the short occurs, but said it's in a place that most owners would never see. Six fires were reported that damaged cars, but no one was hurt, the company said in a statement. A seventh incident is still being investigated.

The company is notifying owners by telephone and mail and will provide loaner cars until repairs are made, at no cost to the owners. Chrysler also will transport the cars to dealerships to make the repairs, spokesman Eric Mayne said.

Challenger owners who have questions should contact their dealers, he said.

The recall also affects an additional 1,900 cars on dealer lots that haven't been sold.

Mayne said a shipment of electrical components arrived at the company's Brampton, Ontario, assembly plant that weren't configured properly. Workers at the plant reworked the components, but the change caused the short circuits, he said.

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Jailed Kurdish rebel to make "historic call" in Turkey peace process
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    ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan said he would make a "historic call" on Thursday, raising expectations of ceasefire that could help end a 28-year-old conflict which has riven Turkey, killing some 40,000 people, and battered its economy.

    Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) leader Selahattin Demirtas, a member of parliament, conveyed Ocalan's statement on his return to Istanbul from a visit to his prison on the island of Imrali.

    "We want to solve the arms problem rapidly and without losing time or another life," Ocalan said in calling for the support of parliament and political parties to achieve a lasting peace.

    The PKK is considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union as well as Turkey. But Ankara opened talks with Ocalan last October in an effort to end the conflict after a summer of rising guerrilla violence and large scale arrests of Kurdish activists.

    A ceasefire call, coinciding with the Kurdish new year, could be accompanied by a command to his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants to withdraw from Turkey to their bases in northern Iraq.

    "The statement I am preparing will be a historic call. It will contain satisfying information on the military and political dimensions of a solution," Ocalan said.

    Ocalan began talks with state officials last October last year. Truces have been agreed and failed before in the war, but this is the first time Ocalan and a Turkish prime minister have openly spoken of talks on a comprehensive settlement.

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has made a number of concessions on cultural and language rights as part of his efforts to bring a settlement.

    The PKK had originally demanded full independence for a Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey, but has moderated its goals to broader political and cultural autonomy.

    (Edited by Ralph Boulton)

    (Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Louise Ireland)

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    14, 2009 to に constitutional review will be arguments finishing で exchange of views on the House of Representatives, the constitutional review (Poly farming auxiliary president) の Officer Roundtable で は 7th on the 14th, に the review would を open the the く こ と the を decision め た. The political 権 account for former に line っ た Chapter 1 Chapter 2 ",グッチ バック FA;Emperor" と ",11059;戦 contention の abandon the" the の the argument finishing に つ the い て views exchange su ru. Ma ta Roundtable は The Constitution of to correct hand 続 the ki wo given め た national referendum law が conclusion を desu yo the the う given め て い る the "3 つ の places in question に つ い て も agreement を reopened し た.


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    ローマ法王が28日に退位 高齢理由、600年ぶり自己意思で 3月末までに新法王選出へ【ベルリン=宮下日出男】イタリアからの報道によると、ローマ法王ベネディクト16世(85)は11日、枢機卿会議で今月28日で法王を退位する意向を表明した。高齢で法王の職務の重責を果たせなくなったことが理由としている。法王は事実上の終身職であり、存命中の退位は極めて異例。「自己の意思による退位」は1415年のグレゴリウス12世以来、約600年ぶりとみられる。 ローマ法王庁(バチカン)報道官は3月末の復活祭までに新法王が選出されるとの見通しを示した。 ベネディクト16世はこの日の枢機卿会議で、「神の前で繰り返し検討したが、高齢により、私の力は職務遂行にふさわしくないとの確信を得た」と述べ、退位の意向を伝達。後任選出のための法王選挙(コンクラーベ)の開催を要請した。 ベネディクト16世はドイツ・バイエルン州出身。ミュンヘン大などで哲学や神学を修めた。1977年に枢機卿、81年に法王庁教理省長官に,中東専門家。2005年4月2日、先代のヨハネ・パウロ2世が死去した後、同19日、コンクラーベで第265代の法王に選出された。法王はローマ・カトリック教会の最高位者であり、バチカン市国の元首でもある。 ベネディクト16世の法王就位後の法王庁をめぐっては、2012年1月以降、公共事業をめぐる不正などを示す内部文書が相次いでメディアに漏洩(ろうえい)し、「バチリークス」と呼ばれた。法王の身の回りの世話をしてきた男が昨年5月、機密書類を盗んだ容疑で逮捕され、10月に禁錮18月の判決を受けた,~ 【特集】今、ここにある「バブル」~生かされぬ教訓と性。一連の騒動は、法王庁内部の権力闘争の結果との臆測を呼んでいた。【産経新聞号外】ローマ法王退位[PDF]


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    【米男子ゴルフ】石川はイーブンパー発進 ノーザントラスト・オープン第1日米男子ゴルフのノーザントラスト・オープンは14日、米カリフォルニア州パシフィックパリセーズのリビエラCC(パー71)で第1ラウンドを行い、石川遼は4バーディー、2ボギー、1ダブルボギーのイーブンパー、71で終えた,グッチ ベルト 山本監督、猛打での勝利に「選手の気持ちがひとつになった」=WBCワールド・ベースボール・クラシック。 石川は前半の12番でダブルボギーをたたき3オーバーまでスコアを落としたが、その後に4バーディーを奪って盛り返した,ipad2 ケース カバー 村長。(共同)


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